Quad employs advanced postal software to ensure our clients' addresses are up-to-date.

Come to us for database management services in Kalamazoo, MI

Quad employs advanced postal software to ensure our clients' addresses are up-to-date. Our software searches back up to 48 months to accurately update addresses. This feature helps us guarantee that you stay in touch with valuable donors, a membership base, and all individuals who may have recently moved. Quad recommends you process your entire database through NCOA software annually to maintain the highest quality addresses.

NCOA is a system that records all Change of Address requests used to produce the NCOALink product. The NCOALink product is a secure dataset of around 190 million permanent change-of-address (COA) records. It is constantly updated and changed, using the names and addresses of individuals, families, and businesses who have filed a change of address with the Postal Service™.

The NCOALink product enables mailers to process mailing lists and update moves with new addresses before mailing. NCOA processing benefits include reducing undeliverable mail by providing the most current address information, including standardized and delivery point coded addresses, for matches made to the NCOALink file for individual, family, and business moves.

In addition, it prevents re-mailing to an incorrect address. All address updates are automatically inserted into the new database and fast-forwarded to the new address before the mailing
is processed.

Watch the short video below to briefly see how NCOA processing works:

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Contact us if you have any questions about our services

Thank you for visiting the website of Quad Mailing. We're a mail center located in Kalamazoo, MI. We offer kitting, fulfillment and NCOA and data management services.

Please use the form on this page to get in touch with us. You also can call 269-806-0177 to speak with someone directly.